

Today, I want to share my feeling with you... Ahhhh.. it's a relief that I can buy and read manga shoujo@comic after a month controlling myself to not reading or buying them. Yesterday, I went to the mall with my friends and we did bought [so many comic

and other merchandise] <--- my friend did.
Hehe, I just bought three because i'm run out of budget. Hehehe.. but, still I'm happy

My friend -->
Neem , did bought 20 comic and other merchandise of Katekyo Hitman Reborn and Fairy Tale. When we about to pay all the stuff, everyone stare at us weirdly... Hahaha, maybe because of our purchase, and all of them were comic.. We spare our time, choosing the stuff was about an hour. So does it weird.
Okay, now I'll tell about the comics that I bought, anou,,, all of it were shoujo manga, hehehe..
Aku, Dia, dan Pustaka Biru [Me, Him, and Blue Library] |
Okay, this comic is about a girl named Asahina[Hina] that work at a private library named 'Blue Library' as the founder of this library love the color of sea and sky. Hina, at first who doesn't love book start to fond it and learn about his employer that was called 'Sensei [Teacher]' as he's actually a writer. Okay, my impression toward this comic, it is a cool story because I like the storyboard as it tell about sea and sky, also the blue color,... Ahh, I love

those thing.. The drawing also remind me to other author of shoujo manga that I like it so much --> Obata Yuuki [the drawing of the teens for my background is her/his drawing].. Hehe, Okay, done with this comic, we JUMP to other.. Kikiki...
Lawang Penamat [End Gate] |
Umm, there about five story in this comic. Each story was a love story that end up one of them or both of them died.At first, I thought that all of the story was scary and touching as the cover said so, but once I read all of them, it don't fear me at all. But, only one story that was a bit tragic

.It's about a boy that was dead return to take an important thing with him. Before he died, he has a childhood friend that actually loved him secretly. And he return to take her with him.. It end with the boy drove her to the river on a heavy rain and caused her death..<---I like this one.
Sedalam Mana Cintamu! [How Deep Your Love!] |
Okay, this one is my favorite

because, first, I admire so much the author which is Sugiyama Miwako. I'm even love her/his manga's character [Ikushi] on previous comic that I'd read named.. Cinta, Berusahalah [Love, Strive!] or something like that. *notremember. Okay, stop for the rewind. This comic is about a girl [Hirayama] who was so confident about herself and always trying to attract her favorite men. She do everything that she think. But, she was stuck with a nerd, well-personality, President of Student Society[Kiriya], every time she did strive her strategy to attract men. Kiriya that fell in love with Sayuri [Hirayama's bestfriend] was asked to cooperate with Hirayama to help each other getting their mate.But, somehow, Hirayama fell in love with Kiriya. The conflict is when she had to compete with her bestfriend, Sayuri to get Kiriya. It end with happy ending. [Hehe, don't wanna tell you]... Totally, I love this comic because of it's drawing and the expanded storyline. There's so much humor that make me laugh out loud.LOL.
Then, I think that's all with my post this time.. Hehe...

Jyaa, mata ne ~
p/s: I'm so happy that I reach for 242 episodes of One Piece anime now.. Kyaaaaaaa~
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